Weingärtler, Stefan (Germany)
Forchheim, Bayern
About Weingärtler, Stefan (Germany)
Dr. med. Stefan Weingärtler
Head Physician
Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics
Klinikum Forchheim – Fränkische Schweiz gGmbH
Pelvic Floor Surgeon, Certification AGUB II
Surgeon for vNOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery)
Training on DynaMesh®-PRP implants, pelvic floor reconstruction, in laparoscopic surgical technique with focus on:
Laparoscopic Cervicosacropexy (laCESA)
Laparoscopic Vaginosacropexy (laVASA)
Laparoscopic Uterosacropexy (laUSA) Tension free Vaginal Tape (TVT)
Native tissue repair
several lectures on the topic of CESA / VASA

CESA/VASA Laparoscopic Bilateral Sacrocolpopexy
Categories & Products of this Event
- Female Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Cervical Stump Prolapse
- Uterine Prolapse
- Vaginal Stump Prolapse
- DynaMesh®-CESA
- DynaMesh®-VASA
- DynaMesh®-IVT02

CESA/VASA Laparoscopic Bilateral Sacrocolpopexy
Categories & Products of this Event
- Female Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Cervical Stump Prolapse
- Uterine Prolapse
- Vaginal Stump Prolapse
- DynaMesh®-CESA
- DynaMesh®-VASA
- DynaMesh®-IVT02

Live Surgery – CESA/VASA Laparoscopic Bilateral Sacrocolpopexy – DynaMesh®-CESA/-VASA
Categories & Products of this Event
- Female Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Cervical Stump Prolapse
- Uterine Prolapse
- Vaginal Stump Prolapse
- DynaMesh®-CESA
- DynaMesh®-VASA
- DynaMesh®-IVT02

CESA/VASA Laparoscopic Bilateral Sacrocolpopexy
Categories & Products of this Event
- Female Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Cervical Stump Prolapse
- Uterine Prolapse
- Vaginal Stump Prolapse
- DynaMesh®-CESA
- DynaMesh®-VASA
- DynaMesh®-IVT02

DynaMesh®-CESA implants have been specially developed for pelvic floor reconstruction, and particularly for reinforcing or replacing the uterosacral ligaments, in laparoscopic or open surgical technique.
The implants are used in the treatment of a prolapse of the internal genitalia, such as a cervical stump prolapse.

DynaMesh®-VASA implants have been specially developed for pelvic floor reconstruction, and particularly for reinforcing or replacing the uterosacral ligaments, in laparoscopic or open surgical technique.
The implants are used in the treatment of a prolapse of the internal genitalia, such as a vaginal stump prolapse.