CESA/VASA Laparoscopic Bilateral Sacrocolpopexy (#FL306)
2025-10-29 / 09:00 AM to 2025-10-29 / 11:00 AM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]
Dear Colleagues,
In the upcoming online training we will present a CESA/VASA laparoscopic bilateral sacrocolpopexy using the DynaMesh®-CESA /-VASA implants to a selected group of advanced surgeons. The surgical treatment will be broadcasted live online and allows a flexible remote participation for attendees.
During the live transmission we will have the opportunity to have real-time verbal interaction and to share experiences with this treatment approach.
We look forward to welcoming you online!
DynaMesh®-CESA implants have been specially developed for pelvic floor reconstruction, and particularly for reinforcing or replacing the uterosacral ligaments, in laparoscopic or open surgical technique.
The implants are used in the treatment of a prolapse of the internal genitalia, such as a cervical stump prolapse.
DynaMesh®-VASA implants have been specially developed for pelvic floor reconstruction, and particularly for reinforcing or replacing the uterosacral ligaments, in laparoscopic or open surgical technique.
The implants are used in the treatment of a prolapse of the internal genitalia, such as a vaginal stump prolapse.