Workshop | On-Site

Pectopexy – The Concept – ISGE Certified On-Site Workshop on DynaMesh-PRP (#FL270)

2024-10-10 / 06:00 PM to 2024-10-11 / 04:00 PM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]

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Dear colleagues and friends,

Pectopexy has come of age and is introduced around the world as alternative to sacrocolpopexy.
lt is embedded in a defect oriented native tissue concept.
Due to mesh discussion around the world, the latter is highly important for pelvic floor surgery.
As an ISGE center, we have set ourselves the aim to enhance the pectopexy training for you.

This ISGE (International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy) certified on-site workshop offers a theoretical part with lectures, two live surgeries and hands-on pelvy-trainer sessions.

We are delighted to have Dr. Anneli LinnamägiVice President ISGE – as co-trainer for this workshop in Dormagen.

This workshop is aimed at advanced laparoscopic pelvic floor surgeons.


Thursday, October 10th 2024:
05:45 PM CET    Welcome Reception
06:00 PM CET    Scientific Lectures:
– Dr. Anneli Linnamägi – “The Learning Curve in Laparoscopic Pectopexy”
– Prof. Dr. Günter Noé – “Current Options in Laparoscopic Pelvic Floor Surgery”
08:00  PM CET   Dinner

Friday, October 11th 2024:
08:00 AM CET    Two Pectopexy Live Surgeries
11:30 AM CET    Lunch Break
12:30 PM CET    Hands-on Pelvic-Trainer Sessions
15:30 PM CET    Discussion & Take Home Message

We look forward to meeting you in Dormagen!

Yours sincerely,

Professor Dr. med. Guenter K. Noé

Immediate Past President ISGE

DynaMesh®-PRP implants have been specially developed for pelvic floor reconstruction, in laparoscopic or open surgical technique, and serve to support and stabilise fascial structures, connective tissue and ligaments.
The implants are used in the surgical treatment of a prolapse of the vaginal/ cervical stump or uterine prolapse in the pectopexy technique.

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Event Date

2024-10-10 / 06:00 PM to
2024-10-11 / 04:00 PM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]

Registrations End Date

2024-10-03 / 01:00 AM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]

Event Language

Number of participants

On-site: 10


ISGE – Certificate

Scientific Cooperation

International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy

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