Schmid, Thomas (Austria)

Sennstraße 1 | 6020 Innsbruck

About Schmid, Thomas (Austria)

Univ.- Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmid

Sanatorium Kettenbruecke


Specialist in laparoscopic ingunial hernia repair – TEP.

Training on DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP 3D implants with focus on endoscopic repair of inguinal hernias using current minimally invasive surgical technique TEP.


Schmid, Thomas (Austria)
Workshop Online

„Live Hernia Surgery meets Live Applied Anatomy“- TEP with Anatomical Explanations on Body Donors

2024-10-29 / 09:30 AM - 2024-10-29 / 12:30 PM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]
Event Language: English
Categories & Products of this Event


  • Hernias
    • Inguinal Hernia


  • DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP 3D
Registration open (Event: FL283)
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DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP 3D implants are used to reinforce connective tissue structures in the groin region. They were specially developed for the endoscopic (laparoscopic) repair of inguinal hernias using current minimally invasive surgical techniques (TEP and TAPP).

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