Workshop | Online

Behandlung der weiblichen Belastungsharninkontinenz & Laparoskopische Sakrokolpopexie (#FL98)

2022-06-01 / 09:00 AM to 2022-06-01 / 02:00 PM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]

The event has ended. We appreciate your participation and hope you enjoyed the experience. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we would love to hear your thoughts! Please take a moment to share your feedback at the bottom of the page or by clicking here

Exclusively for participants from Germany


  1. Chirurgischen Behandlung von Belastungsinkontinenz infolge einer hypermobilen Urethra und/oder einer intrinsischen Sphinkterinsuffizienz in retropubischer, spannungsfreier Bandeinlage mittels DynaMesh®-SIS Implantat aus Polyvinylidenfluorid (PVDF).
  2. 2. Laparoskopische Beckenbodenrekonstruktion, operativen Therapie des Vaginal- und Zervikalstumpfvorfalls sowie der Behandlung einer begleitenden Zystozele und/oder Rektozele mittels DynaMesh®-PRS soft Implantats aus Polyvinylidenfluorid (PVDF).

DynaMesh®-SIS implants are designed as a midurethral sling for soft tissue reinforcement of the pelvic floor as part of the surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence caused by a hypermobile urethra and/or intrinsic sphincter deficiency.

DynaMesh®-PRS implants have been specially developed for pelvic floor reconstruction, in laparoscopic or open surgical technique, and serve to support and stabilise fascial structures, connective tissue and ligaments.
The implants are used in the surgical treatment of the vaginal or cervical stump prolapse, as well as in the treatment of a concomitant cystocele and/or rectocele.

Sponsored by

P.J. Dahlhausen & Co. GmbH - Germany

P.J. Dahlhausen & Co. GmbH
Emil-Hoffmann-Str. 53 – 50996 Köln

Show Events

Exclusively for participants from Germany


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Event Date

2022-06-01 / 09:00 AM to
2022-06-01 / 02:00 PM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]

Registrations End Date

2022-05-27 / 02:00 AM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]

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