Workshop | Online

Pectopexy – The Concept // ISGE Certified Online Workshop for Advanced Surgeons (#FL94)

2022-11-25 / 09:00 AM to 2022-11-25 / 12:00 PM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]

The event has ended. We appreciate your participation and hope you enjoyed the experience. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we would love to hear your thoughts! Please take a moment to share your feedback at the bottom of the page or by clicking here

Dear colleagues and friends,

Pectopexy has come of age. lt is introduced around the world as alternative to sacro-colpopexy. lt is embedded in a defect oriented native tissue concept. Due to mesh discussion around the world, the latter is highly important for pelvic floor surgery. As an ISGE center, we have set ourselves the aim to enhance the pectopexy training for you.

ISGE (International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy) certified Online Workshop offers a digital live surgery training with real-time verbal interaction between surgeons
and participants throughout the entire surgical procedure.

This course is intended for advanced laparoscopic pelvic floor surgeons.
Workshop takes place via Zoom Conference*
Maximum number of participants: 8
Course fee per participant: 125€ + VAT (21% = 26,25€) = 151,25€*
Participants will receive a „“ after participation in the workshop.
We look forward to meeting you online.

Unfortunately, participation in a event is only possible, if the DynaMesh® products used in the requested event are registered in the country where the participant lives and practices.
Please ask our partners if the product you want to learn more about is available in your country: Partners

* If there are still places available for participation in the workshop, the applicant will receive a preliminary confirmation of registration with the request to pay the course fee directly to ISGE.
The bank details of ISGE will be provided in the preliminary registration confirmation. As soon as the ISGE confirms the receipt of the course fee, the applicant will receive the access data for the participation in the online workshop which will take place via Zoom. The participant needs a personal registered Zoom account to participate in this online workshop.

DynaMesh®-PRP implants have been specially developed for pelvic floor reconstruction, in laparoscopic or open surgical technique, and serve to support and stabilise fascial structures, connective tissue and ligaments.
The implants are used in the surgical treatment of a prolapse of the vaginal/ cervical stump or uterine prolapse in the pectopexy technique.

Scientific Member

Cooperation Partners

International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy

Event Feedback

How satisfied are you with the quality of the training in terms of the trainer's surgical skills?

  • After submitting this form you will recieve a confirmation request.
  • Please make sure to click on the confirmation link in this mail.
  • Without your confirmation your submission and data wont reach us.

Event Type



Event Date

2022-11-25 / 09:00 AM to
2022-11-25 / 12:00 PM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]

Registrations End Date

2022-11-08 / 11:00 AM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]

Event Language

Number of participants

On-site: 8

Possible costs

Course fee per participant: 125€ + VAT (21% = 26,25€) = 151,25€*

Certificate Certificate

Timezone Selection

Please select your preferred time zone.

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