Modern Treatment of Complex Hernias (#FL61)
2021-07-27 / 10:30 AM to 2021-07-27 / 04:30 PM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]
The current status of the event: Closed (in planning / registration not possible)
Dear Colleagues,
If you are reading these lines, then you are certainly interested in hernia surgery.
For the experienced hernia surgeon, complex hernias are particularly attractive. They require very
special attention and appropriate planning of the of the surgical treatment with the most modern
mesh-based surgical procedures possible.
In our reference centre for hernia surgery, we would like to present you with special cases and
the latest surgical procedures that exactly fit such a description as part of a hospitation day.
Depending on patient availability, we have planned for you:
- Robotically assisted treatment of a thoracic stomach
- eTEP – enhanced-view Total ExtraPeritoneal