Surgical Treatment of Post-Prostatectomy Stress Incontinence (#FL164)
2023-03-21 / 08:00 AM to 2023-03-21 / 12:00 PM [Timezone: Europe/Berlin]
Dear colleagues and friends,
The treatment of post-prostatectomy stress incontinence is an essential and special focus of our efforts. Artificial sphincters have been available for almost 50 years now. Slings and tapes have been on the market for about 20 years and have found their place in the armatorium of many users for the treatment of life-limiting incontinence.
In surgery and gynaecology, plastic meshes and tapes are implanted for various indications. Here, various materials compete with their respective advantages and disadvantages.
The company FEG Textiltechnik in Aachen/Germany uses the polymer PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) for the manufacturing of medical implants. The properties of PVDF with regard to its effect/side-effect profile are successfully used in many other medical indications in a different form. These implants are used in many countries under the registered brand name DynaMesh®.
A corresponding medical implant made of PVDF is also offered for the surgical treatment of post-prostatectomy stress incontinence under the name DynaMesh®-PRM.
DynaMesh®-PRM implants are used to support and stabilise connective tissue structures and ligaments. Common applications are suburethral slings for treating male stress urinary incontinence.
In this LiSTO.academy Hybrid Workshop, we will present the appropriate planning and surgical management of post-prostatectomy stress incontinence with the use of DynaMesh®-PRM implants.
This workshop is aimed at experienced surgeons who would like to use these procedures with DynaMesh®-PRM implants in their practice.
We look forward to welcoming you online and on-site in Berlin!
Scientific Member
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P.J. Dahlhausen & Co. GmbH - Germany
P.J. Dahlhausen & Co. GmbH
Emil-Hoffmann-Str. 53 – 50996 Köln